Be a part of a vibrant worldwide community

GNOME is a friendly and welcoming community. Getting involved is a great way to learn skills, have fun, and help to create world-class Free Software.

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GNOME has every kind of coding task, and there are guides to help you get started.

Develop Apps

Get all the info you need to start developing apps for GNOME from our brand new developer center.


Help to maintain GNOME’s user and developer documentation.

Join GNOME Circle

Are you already working on an app or library for GNOME? Join GNOME Circle to get more support!


The Engagement Team works on marketing, user outreach, events organization, and websites.


GNOME is translated into over 80 languages, all thanks to our volunteers. Help to translate it into your language!

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

There are many other teams and activities in the GNOME project, including testing, design, bug triage, system administration, and more.